
>It is not solution for Debian. Lxde just needs rebuild with gtk3 libs, 
>it'senough for fix this bug. I will do NMU after bullseye release if 
>maintainer won't do it.

I'm against just rebuilding everything against GTK+ 3.0 and abandoning
GTK+ 2.0. While version 3.0 still have some advanced features, it doesn't
just take much more resources (which may be a big issue for devices like
Raspberri Pi) but it also have some extra dependencies, and some people
still prefer look and feel of GTK+ 2.0 and highly dislike GTK+ 3.0 one.

So to solve this I believe it's much more appropriate to create parallel
packages - one against GTK+ 2.0 (for tight, old platforms and people who
dislike GTK+ 3.0) and another against GTK+ 3.0. I plan to do it all after
coming release of Debian.

Thank you for a suggestion, in any case.

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