fixed 976621 mutt/2.0.5-1

On 2021-01-04 18:42:28, "Alan D. Salewski" <> spake thus:
The fix is in mutt-2.0.3, which was released on 2020-12-04, so we should get
the fix whenever that version makes it into Debian.

I just confirmed that this bug is fixed in the '2.0.5-1' version of the 'mutt' package currently in Debian testing ("bullseye"):

    $ mutt -v | head -n 1
    Mutt 2.0.5 (2021-01-21)

Mutt no longer segfaults when started with the 'REPLYTO' environment variable set.

Many thanks to the Debian Mutt maintainers and upstream,

a l a n   d.   s a l e w s k i

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