On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 11:47:41PM +0100, Lorenzo wrote:
> thanks for the patch. I guess that it is because this package use only
> perl ans shell, am I correct?

Not exactly. Multi-Arch is an assertion of how your package behaves
rather than an assertion about how it is implemented. You can quite
easily produce architecture-dependent behaviour using perl and shell.
Similarly, you can behave the same on all architectures in a C
executable (e.g. false/sleep/tar/test/true/...).

The question "Can my package be Multi-Arch: foreign?" can be
roughly translated to "Can a user tell apart what architecture is being
used by interacting with the package using reasonable interfaces?" This
is a little more difficult for Architecture: all packages as they are
mapped to the "native" architecture. So you cannot merely replace the
package, but need to replace the base system instead.

Simple examples: If you run "gcc test.c", the resulting test.o quite
strongly depends on where you run the compiler. If you create a tar
archive using tar, it'll be difficult to tell the processor architecture
from the resulting archive. Corner case: GNU make supports using -lfoo
flags as dependencies and looks them up on an architecture-specific
search path.  The vast majority of users of make use it in an
architecture-independent way, but some do not. For that reason it was
later changed to M-A:allowed from early M-A:foreign.

> However i plan further development on this package, so I'd like to
> understand if and how this patch will limit my options: for example, if
> i call (from perl or sh) some external executable that is arch
> specific then I'll need to remove the multi-arch: foreign? Or, as long
> as I stick with something that does not need to go through a compiler,
> like sh perl or python, it's always safe to mark Multi-Arch ?

Further development seems like a good idea. The package uses useradd
instead of the policy-recommended adduser. Is there a good reason for
doing so? The approach taken here entirely sidesteps the established and
declarative sysusers.d format. Is there a reason for not cooperating
with it? Niels Thykier is working a lot on removing maintainer scripts
and turning them into declarative alternatives such as triggers.
dh-sysusers works towards the opposite. Why? As far as I can tell,
project consensus is that system users should not be removed on purge,
but dh-sysuser does so. From my subjectively skewed perception,
dh-sysuser has only created problems, not solved any. I acknowledge that
this is not the whole picture.

Even though changing the multiarch value later is certainly possible, I
don't think it'll be needed nor reasonable. The task of dh-sysuser is
implementable in an architecture-independent way as the interface it is
meant to provide is architecture-independent. Later removing a
Multi-Arch: foreign would make a ton of packages uninstallable and all
of the above packages cross-bd-uninstallable. So practically, you'll
have to stick with it or risk patches removing dh-sysuser usage from the


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