In your NMU of pam 1.1.8-3.4, you moved the xsl build dependencies from
build-depends-indep to build-depends.

This effectively enables rebuilding of man pages even for binary package
builds.  It looks like the goal was to work around problems in
multi-arch installability.

But I don't see how it does that.  I'm assuming the problem is a date in
the resulting man page or similar.

There's definitely a date in the nroff files.
If all the binaries happened to get built on the same date, perhaps
you'd get something that is multi-arch installable.

But for example if there is a binnmu on one arch, it seems like things
would break.

Why is this the right thing to do?  It seems like Steve's proposed
solution in #851650 is a better solution.  In particular, make sure that
patches to man pages include patches both to the nroff and xml so we
never trigger a rebuild.


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