Source: zookeeper
Severity: important
Tags: ftbfs sid bookworm
Usertags: default-java17

zookeeper fails to build with OpenJDK 17 because it contains a Record class
that clashes with the new java.lang.Record class:

      [javac] Using javac -source 1.6 is no longer supported, switching to 7
      [javac] Using javac -target 1.6 is no longer supported, switching to 7
      [javac] Compiling 57 source files to /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/build/classes
      [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction 
with -source 7
      [javac] warning: [options] source value 7 is obsolete and will be removed 
in a future release
      [javac] warning: [options] target value 7 is obsolete and will be removed 
in a future release
      [javac] warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, 
use -Xlint:-options.
error: reference to Record is ambiguous
      [javac] public class ACL implements Record {
      [javac]                             ^
      [javac]   both interface org.apache.jute.Record in org.apache.jute and 
class java.lang.Record in java.lang match
error: reference to Record is ambiguous
      [javac] public class Id implements Record {
      [javac]                            ^
      [javac]   both interface org.apache.jute.Record in org.apache.jute and 
class java.lang.Record in java.lang match
error: reference to Record is ambiguous
      [javac] public class Stat implements Record {
      [javac]                              ^
      [javac]   both interface org.apache.jute.Record in org.apache.jute and 
class java.lang.Record in java.lang match
 error: reference to Record is ambiguous
      [javac] public class StatPersisted implements Record {
      [javac]                                       ^

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