Control: reassign -1 gnumach

Please use the reportbug command rather than trying to fill the form by
hand, which is always error-prone.

Paul Dufresne, le sam. 06 févr. 2021 12:14:26 -0500, a ecrit:
> I have tried to install July 2020 version of Hurd on a real (Dual Core 3 Ghz)
> computer.
> AHCI was not working (with a message Phy0? from memory).
> So I change in the BIOS, AHCI to IDE.
> Then the 500 GB disk was detected as:
>  hd2: ST500DM002-1BD142, 131071 MB CHS=16709/255/63
>  I booted a Puppy Linux on it, and in Gparted,
>  CHS=60801/255/63

That's because the IDE driver only supports LBA28. The AHCI driver does
support 2TB devices, see

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