
Thanks for identifying and explaining this bug.

I tried to workaround by installing older packages but failed.

I found out that apt preferences need to be split into two separate files:

        # /etc/apt/preferences.d/yubikey-manager
        # Workaround for #981804, delete when fixed
        Package: python3-ykman python3-yubikey-manager yubikey-manager
        Pin: version 3.*
        Pin-Priority: 999

        # /etc/apt/preferences.d/python3-fido2
        # Workaround for #981804, delete when fixed
        Package: python3-fido2
        Pin: version 0.8.*
        Pin-Priority: 999

I looked at the changelog to find the previous versions.

=> 3.1.1-3
=> 0.8.1-2

Installing the packages using these versions fails because they were not found:

apt install python3-ykman=3.1.1-3 python3-yubikey-manager=3.1.1-3 python3-fido2=0.8.1
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Version '3.1.1-3' for 'python3-ykman' was not found
E: Version '3.1.1-3' for 'python3-yubikey-manager' was not found
E: Version '0.8.1' for 'python3-fido2' was not found

Can you spot an error here?

My workaround for this was to download the packages from the snaphot server and install them using "dpkg -i"



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