
i am the developer of libburnia, including cdrskin and xorriso.
Feel free to ask for advise about how to use their features to achieve
what K3B needs.

I have to warn, though, that UDF is not supported by libisofs.
Besides the fact that some smaller operating systems cannot deal with
files of isoze >= 4 GiB in ISO 9660, there is the bigger obstacle that
DVD video mastering needs UDF, as provided by genisoimage and mkisofs.

(Another reason to keep genisiomage alive is HFS production for booting
old powerpc machines.)

wodim is inferior to libburn in respect to data recording on DVD and BD
media. But on CD it is able to burn CD-XA and some more exotic modes like
"RAW". CD-XA is a format similar to CD-ROM with some extra bytes settable
by the user. Although Joliet specifies it for multi-session (and the kernel
shows traces of an old disabled demand for it), i am not aware of any use
case where it cannot be replaced by CD-ROM, the usual data format of CD
and of all DVD and BD media.
"RAW is needed for cloning CDs with strange sectors, e.g. of copy-protected
libburn will quite surely not support CD-XA and RAW in future.

So decommissioning wodim is ok if we do not strive for cloning.
But decommissioning genisoimage will leave a noticable gap.
Where is the discussion happening about cdrkit's demise ?

Have a nice day :)


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