Hi Steve,

Thanks for the info.

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 12:43:33AM +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> >Could you clarify the timing for this, especially the timeline for getting 
> >the
> >signature from Microsoft (as far as that can be predicted)? I'm trying to
> >assess if this could become a blocker wrt the actual release. Is it an option
> >to release with the current version of shim-signed (ie the one that's also in
> >buster) if we don't get the signature in time?
> It's not really an option to release with the old shim at this point,
> I'm afraid.

That's good to know. I tagged this bug 'is-blocker', to make sure we keep an
eye on it.

> But there are newer processes in place around getting new
> builds signed, so I'm not worrying too much here about delaying the
> release.

OK. That's encouraging :)

> I expect to have things sorted soon.

Make sure to let is know if you encounter any issues.



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