On Tue 2020-10-27 07:52:16 +0100, Konstantinos Dalamagkidis wrote:
> currently dpkg-sig uses MD5/SHA1 for the digest. Both are insufficient
> for integrity protection and according to the Debian Wiki SHA-1 is being
> phased out.

This is really not acceptable.  It's 2021, we've known that both MD5 and
SHA-1 are inappropriate to use for applications where poor
collision-resistance is a risk.

Cryptographic verification of software packages *definitely* falls into
this category.  As far as i can tell (the documentation i could find is
rather sparse), there is no other purpose for dpkg-sig.

So I think its dependence on weak digests makes dpkg-sig entirely unfit
for purpose.  It should be removed from debian until/unless it is
improved to use modern cryptographic primitives.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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