tags #963197 unreproducible
severity #963197 normal

Hi Michael,

On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 12:06:52PM +0000, Michael Paoli wrote:
> * justification for Severity: (>=) important:
>   Broken in buster (stable) (at least 1.8.27-1+deb10u2).

I don't agree with that justification, reducing to normal. This issue is
unlikely to be fixed in buster.

> * What led up to the situation?
>   stretch (oldstable) --> buster (stable) upgrade.
>   Bug apparently from upstream (apparently fixed in upstream 1.8.28).
>   $ sudo -l fails where it used to work

Works for me:

|[2/2568]mh@testbuster83:~ $ sudo -l
|Matching Defaults entries for mh on testbuster83:
|    env_reset, mail_badpass,
|User mh may run the following commands on testbuster83:
|    (ALL : ALL) ALL
|[3/2568]mh@testbuster83:~ $

> * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or ineffective)?
>   Not fix, but work-around, change sudoers, e.g. to include:
>   # listpw=never bug work-around:
>   # Defaults listpw = never
>   Defaults listpw = any
>   ALL ALL=(nobody:nogroup) NOPASSWD: /bin/true ""
> * What was the outcome of this action?
>   fails:
>   sudoers: Defaults listpw=never
>   $ sudo -l
>   Above noted work-around is effective but adds spurious additional sudo
>   command.
> * What outcome did you expect instead?
>   Should work:
>   sudoers: Defaults listpw=never
>   $ sudo -l

I cannot make sense of that. What exactly does sudo not do as

Can you please verify that sudo 1.9.5p2 in bullseye/sid performs as
expected? If you don't reply, I plan to close this issue by the end of
April 2021.


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