On Mon, 22 Feb 2021, Christian Kastner wrote:

On 21.02.21 15:46, Laurent Combe wrote:
near 3 years i report this issue
i joined a patch
and after all that time nothing, not even a "confirmed" tag.

very disappointing. What can I do to help this issue be accepted more quickly ?

I can't speak for Javier, but in the meantime, I myself have mostly
given up on cron, in the sense that I consider systemd timers a superior

Oh, this is news indeed. I think Javier hasn't been working on for the last 3 years [1]? So I'd say you Christian have been cron's defacto maintainer?

So if the plan to migrate Debian's cron to cronie has been abandoned (by you) and instead the plan is to drop cron and instead use systemd timers as the default "cron" mechanism in Debian then I think this defacto decision should be communicated clearly.

As you might have seen I have added some suggestions on how people could help with the migration from cron to cronie on cron's Debian wiki page [2]. If the plan to migrate to cronie has been abandoned then such initiatives do not make sense any more...?

It'd be very nice if you Christian and Javier could clarify the situation.

Greetings & thanks for your work on cron!

[2] https://wiki.debian.org/cron?action=diff&rev1=9&rev2=10

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