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Hi Sam

On 23-02-2021 19:17, Sam Hartman wrote:
> This is just a FYI, opened as a bug because you've expressed a
> preference for that communication style.


> I hope to have something in experimental or unstable by end of this
> week.  Depending on my confidence in the fixes, I may be ready for an
> unblock at that point

If it's in time to migrate before March 12, there's nothing to unblock.
We're still only in soft freeze and pam is not on our build-essentials list.

> or I may want to ask for additional review
> before I'm ready to recommend inclusion in testing.

Be aware that we're no PAM experts. At least, I have no clue.

> * 982530: removal of pam_tally

Severity currently is "normal", sounds like that not correct? At least
it means it's not on our radar.

> Plan is to detect the situation and scream in the preinst.
> Down side is that means new strings that need translation (debconf templates)

And how about mentioning this in the release notes?

> * 982295: pam won't deal with upgrades without an init script

"Only" severity important, again, do you think that is correct?


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