notforwarded #192522 
# this is not an upstream issue

On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 10:11:03PM +0100, James Troup wrote:
> [? maybe not but it left me with one dead box, so I'm inclined to
> inflate right now, downgrade if you want...]
> I just upgraded a hideous potato/sid hybrid box to woody; it use to
> have sudo 1.6.3p7-2 on it and when I installed 1.6.6-1.1 sudo broke
> complaining about a syntax error in /etc/sudoers.  This screwed me
> quite nicely since I had neither an open root shell nor the root
> password.  I think it'd be really nice if sudo would validate
> /etc/sudoers on upgrade and if it finds syntax errors abort the
> upgrade (or at least offer to).

This is indeed a completly ugly situation, potentially leaving a user
without working root access if the root account doesn't have a password

> [Doing this would be interesting, you'd probably have to save a copy
> of the old sudo binary in the preinst, check with the new binary in
> the postinst and then restore it, if the new sudo can't validate
> sudoers, in the postinst - but given the alternative, I think it's
> worth it.]

I am not sure where in poliy it is written, but I pretty well believe
that a package is not supposed to meddle around with files in /usr, this
being dpkg's domain.

dpkg -D12 has still been a great help in finding the following things
that I am recording here so that they are not forgotten.

When dpkg unpacks a package during upgrade, there is a moment when the
new binary is already there (as filename.dpkg-something) at the side of
the untouched old binary. In this phase, the prerm script of the OLD
package is run, so we could theoretically call the new binary and find
out whether it is ready to eat the new configuration file. I expect that
a non-zero exit code might probably cause dpkg to abort and roll back
the package installation. I haven't actually tried this.

The disadvantage of this approach is that an adapted prerm script would
be useless in the first update round of the package since dpkg calls
the OLD package's prerm during upgrade which doesn't have the new code
yet. The protection of this code would not be useful until the SECOND
round of upgrades. In addition, this "extra round" of package updates
would also be needed for bug fixes in the code and such an round cannot
even be forced here.

Also, this feels like wading knee deep inside dpkg internals.

I am therefore reluctant to implement this at the moment. Maybe this
text can motivate somebody else to take a look at this after the
bullseye release. I might do that myself because it's an interesting
topic, but I wouldn't suggest that anybody hold their breath waiting for

Maybe it would also be a valid approach to check whether sudo will
accept the current configuration and if not, display a big fat warning
and replace the configuration with the package's default. This might
grant people from the sudo group more privileges as intended, but that
might be better to do it this way than having the user end up with an
inaccessible root account.

A new sudo choking on an old, custom-made configuration is an
unfortunate situation, but since this bug report is almost 20 years old
and still hasn't accumulated any horror stories of people locking
theirselves out, it's seldom enough to let this issue rest another bit.
Not being able to properly roll back after a failed upgrade is a
dpkg/Debian shortcoming in the first place.


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