@Tim That is great to hear that you're planning to push your changes for 8.8.12 
to NeuroDebian. I have been working on packaging the same release, and I have 
everything working except GLOBUS (which causes it to fail to build for me).

I've pushed what I have to https://salsa.debian.org/aqw-guest/htcondor

Let me know if/how you'd like to coordinate. :-)

I also have a problem with `/usr/lib/condor/libexec/condor_gpu_discovery 
-properties` segfaulting on ppc64el. It sounds a lot like HTCondor bug #7605 
[1], but persists in 8.8.12. What is the preferred way to report bugs to the 
HTCondor project: the mailing list or on HTCondor's bug tracker?


[1] https://htcondor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/tktview?tn=7605

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