Hi again,

Just pushed the new tag/release. I was waiting for the macOS release to build, 
but I'll just add that later.


Nice to see the tests working. 👍

APScheduler has an upper bound, but I'll remove that dependency soon. Else no 
upper bounds.

> On Mar 3, 2021, at 12:13, Nicholas D Steeves <nstee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + upstream pending
> Hi Manuel,
> Manuel Riel <m...@snapdragon.cc> writes:
>> That's good news. We won't add new features until March 10 then.
>> I'll also do a release 0.7.5 to get more users to test this. Commits from 
>> Mar 1
>> are all bug fixes.
> Thanks, much appreciated.  In hindsight I ought to have asked sooner,
> not fun as that would have been.  P.S. I'm not sure if it's a Travis or
> Github lag, but I don't see the new 0.7.5 tag.
>>> Unfortunately, even if we do everything right, the release-team still
>>> has the right to say "these are too many changes"...which is
>>> demotivating...  For my part, I'm sorry to have not been able to help
>>> out more.
>>> One thing that concerns me about 0.7.4 (plus 824707c) is that amd64
>>> builds have regressed and now sometimes timeout:
>>> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/rb-pkg/unstable/amd64/vorta.html
> Gah, as ever, I can't reproduce this locally with the-yet-untagged
> 0.7.5.  'hopefully that means it's resolved...
>>> Armhf builds are thankfully failing more visibly than before, with many
>>> "QThread::start: Thread termination error (No such process)".  I'm
>>> looking forward to testing if the thread and lock-related changes in
>>> 6d8ad90 will solve this:
>>> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/rb-pkg/unstable/armhf/vorta.html
>> Yes, 6d8ad90 could solve this. It also makes keyring selection more 
>> reliable. We later
>> found that many users have multiple keyring installed, so it's prioritized 
>> by the kind
>> of desktop env now.
> Preliminary tests on an armhf porterbox confirms success for 5/5
> attempts. :-D  Finally!
>>> Given that you had previously mentioned what sounded like database
>>> infelicities, I also upgraded Peewee to 3.14.1, which contains these
>>> fixes:
> <snip>
>> No problem to require a newer peewee, if this makes a change.
> At this time, this is a FYI thing I'm sharing for the purposes of
> reproducibility, but it might become significant if there are corner
> cases that effect Vorta using << 3.14.1. eg:
> flatpak/dependencies/python3-peewee.json requests `3.11.2`.  If you'd
> like, at a later date I can compare Vorta's flatpack dependencies to
> what we're use in Debian, check for Debian-specific patches, and then
> make recommendations for an updated dependency stack.  If you're
> interested, don't forget to remind me, I will surely forget!
> Let me take this opportunity to say thank you for not declaring an upper
> version boundary for your Python dependencies--this is really nice to see,
> and a refreshing change from many projects.  There's a decent article on
> the topic here:
> https://blogs.gentoo.org/mgorny/2021/02/19/the-modern-packagers-security-nightmare/
> Spread the word!
> Cheers,
> Nicholas

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