Package: wnpp * Package name : cryptoant * Upstream Author : ANT Lab, University of Southern California (USC) * License : GPL-2 * Homepage :
(the following is copied from the website, not the actual package description to be used) CryptopANT is a C library for IP address anonymization using crypto-PAn algorithm, originally defined by Georgia Tech. The library supports anonymization and de-anonymization (provided you possess a secret key) of IPv4, IPv6, and MAC addresses. The software release includes sample utilities that anonymize IP addresses in text, but we expect most use of the library will be as part of other programs. The Crypto-PAn anonymization scheme was developed by Xu, Fan, Ammar, and Moon at Georgia Tech and described in "Prefix-Preserving IP Address Anonymization", Computer Networks, Volume 46, Issue 2, 7 October 2004, Pages 253-272, Elsevier. Our library is independent (and not binary compatible) of theirs. Regards, Daniel