On Fri, 2021-03-05 at 09:59 +0000, Anton Ivanov wrote:
> This is proving very "interesting" to try to chase down, because the
> "picking the wrong library" does not happen every time.
> F.E. yesterday my 5.10 builds were picking glibc memcpy and friends.
> Today with the same config and everything else the same it is picking
> built-ins.


> I need to finds some better way to reproduce this.

Maybe something like the original report? That caused sem_init() to be
called, so we know libc will/may call something there.

You and me probably don't have the nss setup to cause sem_init() to get
called, but maybe simply putting

void init_nss_interface(void)
  panic("how did we get here");

somewhere in the kernel image might already reproduce it?


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