Dear Glenn,

In data venerdì 5 marzo 2021 16:41:40 CET, Glenn Strauss ha scritto:
> In #981513, courier changed to use libgamin-dev, so
> kcoreaddons is now the *only* remaining package using FAM.
> As such, there is considerably more risk to doing nothing
> than there is to migrating to gamin.

No, there is more risk in switching to a different library at this
phase of the Debian freeze.

> ==> Please change kcoreaddons to use libgamin-dev for Bullseye.

While I understand your motivation behind this change, I'll repeat once
again what I said previously in this bug: this is *not* going to happen
for Bullseye, full stop.
The reason is that we are talking about switching to a different library
for a functionality that is rarely used these days (but potentially can
be), hence a switch at this phase is very risky, and gives basically no
time to test or even get feedback about it.

The freeze for transitions started almost two months ago, on January
Personally, I'd argue that switching the FAM implementation across the
distribution _is_ a "transition", and as such it ought to have been
requested (if not even started) two months ago.

On February 13th, a "mild freeze" started:
while changes at the beginning of it still migrated to testing, IMHO
the switch of a dependency raises the bar of the risk; while I can
check it for things I upload and work for, this feature represents
something corner-case, which I don't have neither the setup nor the
time to properly test.

This request was opened at the end of January (so in transition freeze
already, and IMHO enough to make it out of scope for Bullseye), and my
question about the timing for this got "not for Bullseye" as answer.
All the more traffic for you, Glenn, started two days ago, already in
a time frame where uploads to unstable will not migrate to testing
anymore [1], and thus it will need exception from release-team, meaning
it has to be something importat/serious enough (and this is not, as
the status of it would be the same as in previous Debian releases).

[1] automatic migration ends on March 13th, and the default migration
time is 10 days, which means the last day for such uploads was March 2nd

Moreover, I already stated that I really want #510368 fixed _before_
switching the dependency, and that bug has not been fixed yet (and
unlikely to be for Bullseye).

So, thanks again for the time and interest in this, but this will be
handled only after both a) Bullseye is released b) #510368 is fixed.

Pino Toscano

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