Hi Thorsten

On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 2:25 AM Thorsten Glaser <t...@mirbsd.de> wrote:
> debian/patches/CVE-2021-27135.patch changes button.c line (after
> patching) 3747 to:
>        line = realloc(line, screen->selection_size);
> But “line” is a local variable, the address of the buffer must
> be stored in the one handed out, too, so please change this to:
>     if ((have * 2) < (size_t) j) {
>         Char *next = realloc(line, have + 1);
>         if (next) {
>             screen->selection_data = line = next;
>             screen->selection_size = have + 1;
>         }
>     }
> This also deals properly with realloc failures (since we’re
> shrinking, ignore them and just keep the older, larger area).

Thanks for the very comprehensive bug report and for the patch as well!

> I’ve not looked at jessie-ELTS or buster-security whether they
> are affected as well; sid is clean (and where I got the realloc
> failure check necessity from, although sid’s free()s the buffer
> if realloc fails; this isn’t needed @Tom).

If this seems to be happening in stretch, I assume there's a problem
with jessie-ELTS as well. That said, buster is good because a DSA
wasn't issued and this will be fixed via a point release. I am glad
and surprised that sid is okay and there doesn't seem to be a problem.
Just to cross-check and ensure I get it right (for stretch and
jessie), can you send me the reproducer as well? I'd like to be able
to reproduce this before and after your patch (just to be one the
safer side) and do the same for jessie as well!

Thanks, again, for such a detailed bug report! :D

- u

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