On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 10:33:18AM +0100, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
> a colleague reported a bug against SpamAssassin 3.4.2 and later where
> multi-value DNS records are not queried correctly.
> Initially the response was that this would not be fixed in 3.4 (4.0 is not
> affected), but the changes have now been committed into the 3.4 branch 
> upstream
> and will be released with 3.4.5 .
> Bringing this into bullseye would be great, but the timing is not optimal.

Thanks for this report. I agree it would be good to fix for bullseye.
Since bullseye currently contains a 3.4.5 release candidate, and there'ѕ
been some rumbling upstream about finally pushing out a release, my hope
is to convince the SRMs to allow updating to 3.4.5 in a bullseye point
release when it's available.  The changes should be small and targeted
enough to make this reasonable, and it'll be a lot easier to support a
proper release over bullseye's lifetime.


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