Le Wednesday 19 April 2006 à 09:29:21, Eric Lavarde a écrit:
> Hi,


> first, I hope the severity is correct, but as data loss is involved and
> can only be restored through a backup, this seemed to be the correct
> choice.
> OK, here it is:
> - create an appointment with a text containing accented characters, like
>   'ceci est la vérité sortie du test' (you can use the same text in the
>   title _and_ in the comment). Make this appointment recurrent
>   (with or without end date doesn't make a difference).
> - delete one of the appointments (press the 'current' key).

What do you mean by "the 'current' key"? Is it a button in jpilot?

> - title _and_ comment are cut just before the first non-ascii character
>   (i.e. remains only 'ceci est la v').

I have a lot of appointments with accents and non ASCII characters (I am
french) and I don't have this problem.

I tried to reproduce the bug by creating two appointments with accents:
no problem
I then deleted them: no problem

Please describe exactly how I can reproduce the bug.

> I already lost different meeting contents this way as my current customer has
> an ä/ä in its company name... So, for me, the issue is at least
> important, if not grave.
> My character set option in jpilot is set to 'UTF: Latin 1, Western
> Europe (CP 1252)'.

I also have this.

You do not use the latest version of jpilot
(0.99.8-0.99.9-pre-20060417-1) but I don't think it is related with your


 Dr Ludovic Rousseau                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- Normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le camembert, L.R. --

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