
> the Akonadi server permanently crashes on login after upgrading to Bullseye.

I cannot reproduce this on my setup an using Akonadi server the whole time. So 
I'm interested, why this happens for you and not for me.

What resources are you using? I use only a private IMAP server with MariaDB as 
Akonadi backend and using X11 (not Wayland).

> It would be good if the Apparmor rules of the Akonadi server were
> functional. In the current state, the Akonadi server is unfortunately not
> usable without user adjustments.

This is not true for me and also other distros use these Apparmor rules and 
are happy ( at least I did not got any negative feedback/patches for around 6 
months). So it seems like you triggered a test case other did not catch, so it 
would be helpful if you describe your setup, to get this patch upstream.



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