Source: u-boot
Followup-For: Bug #979296

The attached generates a slightly improved indentation than
the one in previous message.

Also, a redirection was wissing in
# python3 PATH/TO/ATTACHED/ debian/targets > debian/
Please use
# python3 PATH/TO/ATTACHED/ < debian/targets > debian/

# Convert debian/targets to a Makefile snippet included by
# debian/rules.

# python3 debian/ < debian/targets > debian/

qemu = {}
architectures = {}
maintainers = []

with open ('debian/targets') as i:
    assert i.readline () == '# ARCH	subarch		platform	target\n'
    assert i.readline () == '# --------------------------------------------\n'
    for line in i:
        if line == '\n':
            maintainers = []
        if line.startswith('#'):
            maintainers.append (line.rstrip ())
        fields = line.rstrip ().split ()
        arch, subarch, platform = fields [:3]
        targets                 = fields [3:]

        if arch.startswith ('all'):
            assert subarch == 'qemu'
            qemu [platform] = (arch, targets)
            if arch not in architectures:
                architectures [arch] = {}
            packages = architectures [arch]

            if subarch == '-':
                package = 'u-boot'
                package = f'u-boot-{subarch}'
            if package not in packages:
                packages [package] = {}
            platforms = packages [package]

            platforms [platform] = (targets, maintainers)

print ('# Target architectures supported by u-boot in Debian.')
print ('# debian/rules includes this Makefile snippet.')

def format_targets (platform : str,
                    targets  : list):
    s = f'  {platform}_targets :='
    for t in sorted (targets):
        if 75 < len (s) + len (t):
            print (s + ' \\')
            s = '   '
        s += f' {t}'
    print (s)

else_ifeq = False

for arch in sorted (architectures.keys ()):
    print ('')
    if else_ifeq:
        print ('else ', end='')
        else_ifeq = True
    print ('ifeq (${DEB_HOST_ARCH},' + arch + ')')

    packages = architectures [arch]
    for package in sorted (packages.keys ()):
        print ('')
        print (f'# {package}')
        platforms = packages [package]
        for platform in sorted (platforms.keys ()):
            targets, maintainers = platforms [platform]
            print ('')
            for maintainer in maintainers:
                print (f'  {maintainer}')
            print (f'  {package}_platforms += {platform}')
            if targets [0].startswith ('/usr/lib/arm-trusted-firmware/'):
                print (f'  {platform}_assigns := BL31={targets.pop (0)}')
            if platform != 'novena-rawsd':
                targets.append ('uboot.elf')
            format_targets (platform, targets)

print ('')
print ('endif')

print ('')
print ('# u-boot-qemu (Architecture: all)')
for platform in sorted (qemu.keys ()):
    arch, targets = qemu [platform]
    print ('')
    print (f'  u-boot-qemu_platforms += {platform}')
    gnu_type = arch[4:]
    print (f'  {platform}_CROSS_COMPILE := {gnu_type}-')
    targets.append ('uboot.elf')
    format_targets (platform, targets)

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