Hello Stefan

Am Sonntag, dem 21.03.2021 um 00:16 +0100 schrieb Stefan Schindler:

> I am sorry for appearing hostile, I tried to contact you via email

No problem.

> back in 2020-10-16, but it appears that this email never found you.

Uh, sorry.

> Regarding the "new upstream package", I was not sure that I needed to
> create a special ticket because the tracker had the new version
> already listed: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/lftp
> Thank you for updating the package. It would be great if the latest
> version would make it into this or the next stable version of debian.
> I assume it will land in sid first, I would love to test it there.

Yes you are right. After your email I worked on the package but the
bullseye freeze policy doesn't allow new package versions anymore.:(


(new src packages)

This was my failure.



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