On Sun, 2021-03-21 at 23:57 +0100, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
> > While I don't test with sysvinit any more, I don't recollect
> > dropping
> > support for it. So if there's any specific issue, we could try to
> > resolve it.
> TBF, if there's not going to be regular testing with sysvinit, maybe
> the support code for it should go away...?

Yes. If it becomes release critical.

OTOH, The shell script having issues shouldn't really be of major
concern. Because most majority of users have switched to systemd based
setups. Also our GR resolution encourages to provide best possible
support for both scenarios.

My wishful thought has always been that there will be other users in
Debian (and derivatives), who'd still have an interest in it
(sysvinit), and will report back issues and fixes too.

I see Ryutaroh bug report with that in mind only.

As for this bug report, the issue isn't really directly with open-
iscsi. Or at least, not to my knowledge. Only the invocation of a
systemd helper utility causes problems.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
Debian - The Universal Operating System

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