On Sat, Feb 06, 2021 at 08:55:41PM +0100, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
> 00:00:00 + [ 204 -gt 60 ]
> 00:00:00 + rm -f /tmp/.auto-apt-proxy-1000/cache
> 00:00:00 + [ -f /tmp/.auto-apt-proxy-1000/cache ]
> 00:00:00 + __detect__
> 00:00:00 + detect_DNS_SRV_record
> 00:00:00 + + shuf
> 00:00:00 hostname --domain
> 00:00:00 + awk /^[^#]/{print "http://"; $1 ":" $4;found=1;exit}END{exit !found}
> 00:00:00 + /usr/lib/apt/apt-helper srv-lookup _apt_proxy._tcp.lovergine.com
> 00:00:00 + command -v ip
> 00:00:00 + ip route
> 00:00:00 + awk /default/ { print($3) }
> 00:00:00 + gateway=
> 00:00:00 + getent hosts apt-proxy
> 00:00:00 + awk /[:blank:]/ { print($1) }
> 00:00:29 + explicit_proxy=                                                    
>                                         <----- HERE!?

`getent hosts apt-proxy` seems to be taking a lot of time. Is DNS
working correctly on this machine?

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