On Tue, 17 Mar 2020 02:54:35 +0100 Lorenzo Puliti
<plore...@disroot.org> wrote:
> Package: init-system-helpers
> Version: 1.57runit1
> Followup-For: Bug #924132
> Control: affects -1 + runit-init
> Hi,
> I'm now maintaining runit:
> is there any update on the progress of this bug?
> If you don't have time to spend on this, would be ok
> if I ask another DD for an NMU?
> Thanks
> Lorenzo

Hi again,

This bug report is stuck since a long time and also the discussion on
salsa MR ended without reply nor upload on your side.
Now it's likely that I have to support also a catch-all package for
runit services in addition to the standard dh-runit code, but the idea
of runit relying on update-rc.d/invoke-rc.d code that would work for
that case has already been discarded..

Overall I think that the best way to go forward is that I divert
helpers with runit-init (as openrc and file-rc did in the past) so that
I can experiment and find a working solution for runit users without
generating bug on this package. 
We can always merge runit support later if we find a solution that
works for both sides.

Let me know if you disagree, but in that case please make sure you have
the time to join the discussion untill we find a solution.


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