(note: this message was originally just sent to petter, but i am
forwarding it to the BTS at his request...)

> > it would be useful if xdebconfigurator provided a configuration file
> > and/or commandline options with which you could over-write the
> > detected and default values for some settings.
> > 
> > ability to set the default color depth, modes used, mouse protocol
> > and device are the main options that would seem most useful off the
> > top of my head, but i'm sure there are others...
> You are looking in the wrong location, I believe.  The only thing
> xdebconfigurator is doing, is passing values into dexconf (from the
> xfree86 packages).  dexconf then generate the XF86Config file.

as i understand it, xdebconfigurator sets values in the debconf database
rather than passing them to dexconf ... am i wrong?
> To solve your issue, I recommend first running xdebconfigurator once,
> and then run 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86'.  Do not run
> xdebconfigurator again after this, as it will overwrite the values you
> set manually using 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86'.

the description of the package suggests that xdebconfigurator should be
able to be used non-interactively. using dpkg-reconfigure sounds
very interactive... i am attempting to use it to autoconfigure X on
lessdisks terminals- so having to run dpkg-reconfigure is not an option.

when run on a debconf database without any xserver-xfree86 debconf
questions, xdebconfigurator appears to populate the debconf database
with some 25 debconf values... including several of the ones i mentioned

my perl is not so good, but it appears to set a number of default values
including default_depth (some code appears to set it to 16) and modes if
they aren't already set...

at the moment, i basically do a workaround to change some defaults using
debconf-set-selections after running xdebconfigurator, but it would be
faster if xdebconfigurator could read a configuration file and use those
defaults instead of it's own built-in hard-coded defaults.

does this make sense?

am i a fool? :)

live well,

p.s. commandline options to also override configuration file defaults
would also be nice, as long as i'm wishing for things.

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