On Tue, 13 Apr 2021 00:38:47 +0200 Pelle <pe...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Dear Maintainer,
> Running `lollypop foo.mp3` will open up Lollypop and play foo.mp3,
> unless Lollypop is already running, in which case Lollypop will
> switch to a random track. I expected the command `lollypop foo.mp3`
> to play foo.mp3, even when Lollypop is already open.

Thanks for your report - I can reproduce the problem to some extent.
What if you run the command and include the full path to the file?
Does this change things?

What settings to you have for playback? Anything exotic, like
"Continuous playback", "Automatic playback (random)" or "Automatic
playback (similar)"?


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