Control: tag -1 +patch

On 2017-04-13 13:14:37, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Nov 2015 10:47:54 +0800 Paul Wise wrote:
>> There were a couple of bugs, now I am using this:
> I've now integrated it into apt, fixed dbgsym and
> moved it out of /etc into /var.

I've reviewed pabs' script and improved it a bit. Here's a "commitlog"
of changes:

 * silence a shellcheck warning
 * linting: fix indentation and add description
 * simplify main loop
 * add explanatory header for generated file
 * add warning at beginning of debsecan script to explain delay

Commitlog also available here, somewhat:

The code is attached and also available here:

I also wrote this Puppet manifest (also attached) to deploy it on
machines running testing:

I understand that it would be better if this was merged inside debsecan
itself (and therefore rewritten in Python), but I think just having this
at all would be great. Maybe just shipping the script in the Debian
package would be a start?

Let us not make perfect the ennemy of good here, this has been sitting
in the BTS for 8 years now, can we at least get this to land in bookworm
and see where we go from here? :)


Si Dieu est, l'homme est esclave ; 
or l'homme peut, doit être libre, donc Dieu n'existe pas.
Et si Dieu existait, il faudrait s'en débarrasser!
                        - Michel Bakounine

# this program will add APT pinning for packages that are fixed in
# unstable and not testing
# see

set -e

echo "running debsecan check for issues fixed in unstable..." >&2

rm -f /var/lib/debsecan/apt_preferences.disabled
cat > /var/lib/debsecan/apt_preferences.disabled <<EOF
# pin packages with security issues fixed in unstable
# generated automatically on $(date) by $0


for pkg in $(debsecan | grep -E '\(fixed(\)|, )' | cut -d\  -f2 | sort -u) ; do
    case "$pkg" in
    cat <<EOF >> /var/lib/debsecan/apt_preferences.disabled
Package: $pkg
Pin: release a=$suite
Pin-Priority: 900

chmod 644 /var/lib/debsecan/apt_preferences.disabled
mv --force /var/lib/debsecan/apt_preferences.disabled /var/lib/debsecan/apt_preferences
# setup debsecan on machines
# this is mostly to follow security upgrades from unstable in testing
class profile::debsecan {
  package { 'debsecan':
    ensure => present,
  file_line { 'disable_debsecan_mails':
    path  => '/etc/default/debsecan',
    line  => 'REPORT=false',
    match => '^REPORT=.*',
  file { '/usr/sbin/debsecan-apt-priority':
    source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/debsecan-apt-priority',
    mode   => '0555',
  file { '/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99debsecan':
    content => @(EOF),
    APT::Update::Pre-Invoke { "/usr/sbin/debsecan-apt-priority"; };

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