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Hi Philipp,

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:32:52AM +0100, Philipp Kern wrote:
> Package: ecryptfs-utils
> Version: 83-4
> Severity: important
> * Create ~/Private with ecryptfs-setup-private.
> * Touch ~/Private/x.
> * ls ~/Private/ -> x is listed.
> * ls ~/Private/ -> x is NOT listed anymore.
> * cat ~/Private/x -> x is still accessible.  (Also spits out the right
>   content on real files.)
> ~ > ecryptfs-mount-private
> Enter your login passphrase:
> Inserted auth tok with sig [449389e85fc0b564] into the user session keyring
> ~ > ls Private
> x
> ~ > ls Private
> ~ > cat Private/x
> ~ > cat Private/y
> cat: Private/y: No such file or directory
> So you have one readdir() you can make, the second one will be empty.  (Also
> happening with nautilus etc.)

Doing some cleanup on src:linux filled bugs. I guess this issue is
after serveal years not anymore reproducible? I'm closing the
bugreport for now, but feel free to reopen in case the issue still can
be triggered.


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