Control: found -1 2.1.2-1

Cyril Brulebois <> (2021-04-25):
> I'm currently chasing other blocking bugs for the installer, but I'll
> add this bug to the list, and try to get back to it later.

A quick debsnap shows at least those versions are affected:


but it seems the experimental uploads weren't fetched for some reason
(I only glanced at git, didn't check what happened on the archive side).

Since the problem is about the dependency between the udeb and one of
the library from the same package, a possibly easy fix could be to just
ship the contents of the said library inside the udeb, along with the
current contents.

That'd probably be about adjusting a .install file as opposed to adding
a dedicated library udeb that would need some care for SONAME bumps,
etc. (plus NEW of course).

Cyril Brulebois (            <>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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