Hi tarzeau, as promised here's the policy violation details for this
RFS. Despite the length, thank you for working on this, it seems to be a
fun collection.

> §10.1 https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s-binaries
> Two different packages must not install programs with different
> functionality but with the same filenames. (The case of two programs
> having the same functionality but different implementations is handled
> via “alternatives” or the “Conflicts” mechanism.

A different /usr/games/ PATH is not sufficient, nor is a Conflicts since
the sos game bears no functional resemblance to the sos report command
introduced as of bullseye. It is unclear to me whether this also applies
to non-PATH executable filenames such as /usr/libexec/xscreensaver/pipes
from xscreensaver-gl.

Conflicting names appear to be handled on a first-come first-served
basis for new packages and only go to tech-ctte if an unresolvable
situation occurs after initial upload. Therefore, I believe sos must be
renamed to comply with policy.

> §7.4 
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-conflicts
> Be aware that adding Conflicts is normally not the best solution when
> two packages provide the same files...
> Having similar functionality or performing the same tasks as another
> package is not sufficient reason to declare Breaks or Conflicts with
> that package.

Similar functionality:
* fifteen (sgt-puzzles)
* mines (sgt-puzzles)
* sudoku (sudoku)

It is reasonable for a user to want to have all of sgt-puzzles,
nbsdgames and kdegames (using a k prefix) installed simultaneously and
play different subsets of the games available. This also allows the user
to pick their favourite implementation where multiple exist.

Given all this, I suggest you adopt a universal prefix for all the
games, perhaps "nb-"? On the other hand, it might be worth preserving
tab completion with a suffix instead, in which case no harm with a full

Additionally manpages are a "should" in §12.1 and there is interest from
users, so please either write them or remember to open a request in the
BTS. https://github.com/abakh/nbsdgames/issues/9

I'm working off Upload #6 from mentors and it still fails to build due
to permission denied, this time with chown rather than cp.

> dh_fixperms
> chown root:games debian/nbsdgames/usr/games/*
> chown: changing ownership of 'debian/nbsdgames/usr/games/battleship': 
> Operation not permitted

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