Looks spectacular. I'd be very happy for you to upload it.


- Daniel

On 4/29/21 1:50 AM, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
>>> I'd be happy to sponsor it.
>> I would very much appreciate that
> Okay then!
> (CCing the WPNN bug, for posterity, and so others can see this is taken.)
> Took a quick look, and did a major updating of the debian/ packaging scripts.
> There were issues with passing flags through to the actual compiler,
> so I did some Rube Goldberg tricks to bypass the top-level Makefile
> and let debhelper do its tricks with qmake.
> Ultimately, the "right thing" would be to mess about with the
> "upstream" build scripts to make them more standard, like have the
> qmake stuff do the installation, have only one qmake invocation, yada
> yada.
> Anyway, I forked your github repo and pushed my changes there. Please
> check if it works with my scripts. If you're happy with everything, I
> can just upload it. Or if you'd rather, I can be more hands-off and
> sponsor someone else's uploads (e.g., yours) and let you do all the
> packaging stuff w/ my feedback etc. However as a PI myself, I know
> what I'd choose!
> Minor stuff:
> Not sure if it belongs in "science" because that's generally for
> things like data analysis software, numeric methods, machine learning
> libraries, etc.
> But what the heck. That gives it an automatic team maintenance, which is nice.
> And it can always be shifted.
> There are some compiler warnings, like using an old sort function
> instead of the new approved one. Someone should probably take a look
> at them sometime.
> I'm renamed the icon to just eln, since the longer one seems a bit
> silly: what if (no offense) you're hit by a bus?
> Cheers,
> --Barak.

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