Hi Andreas!
Thanks for your report and I can confirm this with the latest 10.5
version (debian and upstream).

| podman run -it debian:sid bash -c "apt-get update &&\
|   apt-get install -y mariadb-server &&\
|   ls /usr/share/mysql/debian-*.flag &&\
|   apt-get autopurge -y --force mariadb-server"

@Otto, I have verified on 10.3 and my understanding is that there might be a
confusion between datadir and statedir.

For 10.3 we did not create the flag in the statedir whereas upstream

I am not sure if this statedir flag (/usr/share/mysql/debian-*.flag) is
used by any maintainer script, let me know if you want me to open a jira
issue and a PR upstream (I guess we should fix this upstream).


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