On Fri, 2021-04-30 at 20:50 +0200, Chris Hofstaedtler wrote:
> Cleanup works only in trivial cases. For everything else, you will
> end up with a free uid and existing files or existing running
> processes owned by this uid. A following useradd by the local admin
> or a package install will "reassign" ownership of these files to a
> user who was never supposed to have access to them, creating a
> security problem.
> It could be argued that most packages trying to cleanup users have a
> security hole.
Indeed... and typically I'm always on the security-hardening side ;-)
... but does geoclue create any files with it's UID or GID, which are
not also deleted upon purge?

Cause if not,... I might be justifiable to do such a cleanup. Anyway...
it's up to you :-)


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