Control: tags -1 +patch +pending

Hello Sergio, and thanks for your bugreport!

Le jeudi, 13 mai 2021, 03.17:54 h CEST Sergio Durigan Junior a écrit :
> We are working towards getting the new OpenLDAP version ready (2.5,
> which will soon be uploaded to experimental) and noticed that
> cups-filters FTBFS with it.  Upstream also noticed it and promptly fixed
> the problem.  I took the liberty to grab the patch, apply to the current
> version of cups-filters that is in experimental, and now I'm sending you
> the debdiff :-).

Excellent, thanks!

> FWIW, I was planning to create a Merge Request against the project on
> salsa, but it looks like the git repository hasn't been updated and
> doesn't reflect the current state of the package, so I thought it'd be
> better to open this bug.  Let me know if you prefer an MR and I will be
> happy to provide it after the repository is updated.

Hrm. The repository _is_ up-to-date, when looking at the correct branches :-)

In any case, I have now cherry-picked the patch and will upload to Debian 
experimental after a local test-build.

Best regards, and thanks for your work!

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