On Sat, 2021-05-22 at 13:49 +0200, Hanno 'Rince' Wagner wrote:
> Hi Philip!
> On Sat, 22 May 2021, Philip Wyett wrote:
> > I have tried twice over the last week to subscribe to this list. I get the 
> > "Subscription
> > request
> > processed" page, but do not get a confirmation email to be actioned as 
> > expected. This leaves me
> > not
> > knowing if the subscription has been processed at all.
> well, you are subscribed to that list, so you are on it; and not
> subscribed as one of the last 10 members of that list...
> maybe there is simply no traffic?
> best regards, Hanno Wagner, Listmaster of the day


Thank you for confirming my list subscription. Shame the old smartlist email 
confirmation was/is
not working as expected.

There has been no traffic since April. I hope maybe Mike can kick off by 
referencing his blog post
of today and start the ball rolling.



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