I have had first-hand experience of these Xorg crashes and lockups
in combination with either sleep or un-powering monitors.

I would 100% agree with Hermann that this is highly likely to be
improved with kernel update.

In short, I would go to *at least* the buster-backports kernel i.e.


apt-get -t buster-backports install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64

Over the recent 5.10 debian kernel provisions, I have seen incremental
improvement in this issue, to the point that now this seems to have
gone away.  I still experience complex MST monitor arrangement
reordering the displayport- virtual numbers (fixed with xrandr script)
but NO LONGER crashes needing reboot or restart-X11 like before...

In any case, please report back how 5.10 series kernel does/does-not
avoid the issue occuring for you.


p.s. The buster-backports kernel [5.10.0-0.bpo.5-amd64] is lagging
     behind a little.  Hopefully .bpo.6 and .bpo.7 will come out
     soon.  I notice debian-deriv MXlinux have put out their own
     5.10.0-7mx kernel already.

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