Christopher Huhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Olivier Berger wrote:
>>It's about upgrading the data (i.e. the standard set of pages, the
>>preferences, the templates, all kind of stuff that twiki uses in order
>>to work well, beyond the scripts).
> /var/lib/twiki/templates is correctly managed by dpkg and there
> shouldn't be an automatic merge of local changes for the standard set
> of files.
> Instead of changes to these files one should have set up a custom skin.

Probably right... unless there is something changed on runtime into
templates/ by twiki... I don't know enough about how templates work in
twiki to say for sure.

> For the debian package UpgradeTwiki should not handle anything but
> /var/lib/twiki/data/... and the conffiles (that's all it does I think).
> That should be ok with dpkg as it does not manage /var/lib/twiki/data/...


>>But anyways, this will require a human intervention at all
>>cases... and a bit of understanding of a diff/merge tool.
> What's wrong about running it from postinst on upgrade?

>From my experience in using it in a recent upgrade, there were
unresolvable conflicts that needed to taken care of... as it may
involve the security of the webs, for instance in case of variables
like ALLOWxxxCHANGES, I think it is wise to let the admin of the twiki
do the work.

That's a bit tricky since much of twiki's configuration is done in its
data... not so good for an application which sould be upgradable
automatically :(

I think the first step is to add it to the package (or a similar tool,
only dedicated to the data), and see how it goes with the Debian

In any case, once you setup a complex and fairly customised twiki, it
may be wise not to use the Debian package but a custom installation ?

My 2 cents.

Best regards,
Olivier BERGER (OpenPGP: 1024D/B4C5F37F)
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