Hi Francisco!

On Tue, 8 Jun 2021 at 23:51, Francisco M Neto <fmn...@fmneto.com> wrote:
> Elementary Code earlier called Scratch, is an IDE
> designed with simplicity in mind. It offers essential functionalities
> such as git support, multi-panel and miniview support and extensions
> for integration with the Terminal and web visualization.
> It is written from scratch, with support for plugins. Its purpose is
> to be lightweight and extensible, with plenty of customization
> options. It support syntax highlighting for a wide range of
> programming languages.
> It is a minimalist, extensible GTK-based IDE that is not dependent
> on GNOME. It follows the Elementary Human Interface Guidelines.

Cool :-)  By the way, how is Elementary Code, an IDE?  Upstream calls
it a "[code-specific] text-editor" here (
https://medium.com/elementaryos/scratch-is-now-code-2838e03134c7 ),
and it sounds like Code is intended to be like Atom, "a hackable text
editor" ( https://atom.io ), rather than something like GNOME Builder
or XCode ( 

If you'd like to use "IDE" in the long description to make it
discoverable with keyword or regex searches, maybe something could be
written about how Code is more than a text editor, but that it's for
people who don't want a full-featured IDE?  Does it support templates,
macros, code folding, any kind of linting or language server-based IDE
features (LSP), tab completion of variable, function, or class names,
etc?  More simply, does it have an LSP plugin like
https://github.com/atom-community/atom-languageclient or is one
planned?  Ideally it'd be nice if upstream could make a statement
about their vision and objectives for Code on its homepage

Because you use the keyword "minimalist", I wonder if the authors of
this software (and perhaps yourself) believe that full-featured IDEs
are not the best way to work ;-)  Not being an IDE can be a desirable
feature, after all!


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