* Thomas Lange [Sun Jun 20, 2021 at 01:39:47AM +0200]:

> The Recommends was added because fdisk was added as a new separate package.
> We need this from buster on.
> But there's no need to define a dependency to util-linux, because
> it's a required package.

JFTR[1]: But you're depending on a specific behavior and version
(>=2.32-0.1~) of the package. A versioned depends is perfectly fine
for this (see e.g.

> Since FAI 5.10 is not part of stretch, I see no major impact that we
> call unshare with options not available in this distribution.

JFTR[1]: FAI indeed isn't part of official stretch, but as you know
we still[2] have packages at
https://jenkins.grml.org/job/fai-binaries/ and those are known to
indeed be running also on Debian/stretch systems (that's why I
stumbled upon this issue). Also if someone is backporting FAI
(either officially or just privately), such a missing dependency
will only be noticed via runtime failures later on.

> It would be nice if FAI would atomatically detect if it is run in an
> unprivileged container.

Even if it would be able to detect this (see my other mail), the
unshare command line as present won't work with systems running

[1] *But* I agree, that when $ROOTCMD can be controlled from outside,
there's no need for a versioned util-linux dependency (which
would actually prevent usage of FAI on Debian/stretch then!).

[2] I noticed that you are no longer triggering my service, not sure
yet though whether that's a problem on your or my side :)


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