Source: shadow
Version: 1:4.8.1-1
Severity: normal

Hey there.

I've recently noted that some of my systems had entries like

$ cat /etc/subuid

$ cat /etc/subgid

While in a freshly debootstrapped chroot, with the same packages installed
there is neither of these entries.

I tried to find out whther these packages themselves ever manually added
the entries, but it doesn't seem so, the just call adduesr.

After a while of trying I've noted - and this is the main reason for this
(possible) bug - that entries are created for normal users, but not for
system users.

No sure if this is by accident - if not, it should perhaps at least documented
in the manpage.

It's still a bit strange though, that I see exactly those entries from
above in my files, cause when I look at my passwd it has:
debian-security-support:x:123:140:Debian security support 
lightdm:x:128:146:Light Display Manager:/var/lib/lightdm:/bin/false
libvirt-qemu:x:64055:127:Libvirt Qemu,,,:/var/lib/libvirt:/usr/sbin/nologin

Now let's assume the behaviour of adding subuid/subgid entries started some
time after my dcmtk was created... and ended for system users some time
before libvirt-qemu was created...
then it still doesn't explain why uuidd, which was chronologically likely in
between, didn't get one.


PS: Is there recommended way to add the subuid/subgid entries for all those
users/groups that were created before this was introduced and which would
get them, were they created now?

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