
Am Mittwoch, 14. Juli 2021, 01:04:16 CEST schrieb Ben Finney:
> Control: retitle -1 python3-coverage should have libjs-jquery* in
> Depends instead of Recommends
> On 13-Jul-2021, Christian Boltz wrote:
> > Package: python3-coverage
> (Assuming this is the package that should be mentioned in the title of
> this bug report, I've retitled to match.)

Thanks, and sorry for the typo in the subject.

> > After some searching, I found out that I need to install some
> > additional packages:
> >     libjs-jquery libjs-jquery-throttle-debounce
> >     libjs-jquery-isonscreen libjs-jquery-tablesorter
> Right. Those are in Recommends, so will be installed by default.
> > They are already listed under "Recommends:", but since the coverage
> > module is not very useful if it can't generate html reports, please
> > list them under "Depends:" instead of "Recommends:".
> People who choose to disable the default installation of Recommends
> packages, are assumed to want a package to declare in Depends only the
> minimum packages that will make this package work.

Agreed on the minimum package set, but we probably have different 
definitions of "make this package work" ;-)

> The Python coverage system can be used for its main purpose without
> ever generating any HTML reports; I think that satisfies Recommends
> instead of Depends for the HTML support.

Personally, my main usage are HTML reports (with the goal to have 100% 
test coverage), so usecases obviously differ, and I'd really like to 
have a Depends: for the libjs-jquery* packages.

I even have a check in the CI to ensure that files that reached 100%
coverage stay there (and let the CI fail if they are no longer 100% 
covered). Now I hit a case where coverage in one file randomly (and so 
far not reproducible) shows one "partial" line - and that was the reason
to let the CI generate HTML reports so that I can find out the reason.
Well, I first had to find out why the jquery files were missing and how
to get them.

Maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle ;-)

Would it be possible to patch the error message so that it gives a hint 
about the missing packages?

For example the error message could say:

    Couldn't find static file 'jquery.min.js' from 
'/builds/cboltz/apparmor/utils/test', tried: 

    Please make sure the following packages are installed:
        libjs-jquery libjs-jquery-throttle-debounce libjs-jquery-isonscreen 

(This would, like the patch that prevents packaging htmlfiles/*.* in
python3-coverage, be a Debian-only patch that can't go upstream.)


Christian Boltz
Sorry for my usless answer should have drank my coffee and read
the thread properly [Simon Lees in opensuse-packaging]

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