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26 juillet 2021 13:03 "Anthony Gaudino" <> a écrit:
> Package: cups
> Version: 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u1
> Severity: normal
> X-Debbugs-Cc:
> Dear Maintainer,
> After installing CUPS, I could not access the web interface, trying to
> access localhost:631 showed a page not found error in the browser.

Hi again Anthony,

I'm very surprised by this, as this has been working reliably for a long time, 
and no recent changes have happened at all. So I just pulled a Debian Bullseye 
install and installed CUPS on it; the cupsd.conf file had this in, which makes 
for a working webinterface:

    # Only listen for connections from the local machine.
    Listen localhost:631
    Listen /run/cups/cups.sock

    # …

    # Web interface setting...
    WebInterface Yes
    # Restrict access to the server...
    <Location />
      Order allow,deny

> I figured that I would need to add some settings in the CUPS
> configuration file (/etc/cups/cupsd.conf).
> If I remember correctly I added:
> ```
> <Location />
> Order Deny,Allow
> Deny From All
> Allow From
> </Location>
> ```
> After the changes I could access the CUPS web interface.

Is your machine really just a Debian Bullseye host? (It feels like it could 
have been cross-graded from Ubuntu…).

I'd be really curious to hear how you got in this situation, as a default 
Debian Bullseye with CUPS clearly has working print jobs and an accessible 


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