On Wed, 28 Jul 2021, Richard Hector wrote:
> However, I did later upgrade it to buster, and today tried again, with
> intel-microcode 3.20210608.2~deb10u1.
> The problem persists.

Hmm, so we can probably assume it won't be fixed by Intel :-(  It
would need a newer BIOS (with updated ucode and maybe other platform
setup modules), and most vendors never deliver on that...

> I'm not sure how long I'll keep the machine though; it's pretty long in the
> tooth.

We understand, I personally have several machines that are in that
situation as well.

That said, thank you for the information and for testing the newer
microcode update.  I really appreciate it: user feedback is basically
the only way we (Debian) can know about something related to

  Henrique Holschuh

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