This is on the 5.10.0-8 kernel on Debian Bullseye with Nvidia graphics with the 
proprietary driver installed. I am using light-locker 1.8.0 and upower 
0.99.11-2 with the desktop configured to suspend my computer on lid closures. 
This happens whether or not the laptop is plugged in and is a confirmed bug 
upstream with how the upower support is implemented.

Aug 3, 2021, 05:28 by

> On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 02:08:09 +0200 (CEST) wrote:
>> Package: xfce4-settings
>> Version: 4.16.0-1
>> Severity: critical
>> On Debian and, by extension, Ubuntu, when suspending a laptop via closing 
>> the lid on XFCE, the screen stays black after resuming from suspend. The 
>> only way to "fix" the system is to blindly type "xrandr --auto" into a 
>> terminal or switch to a TTY and restart X.
> As an xfce user, I haven't experienced this problem. What graphics hardware 
> and kernel are you seeing this with? Is this on battery or when plugged in? 
> Are you using light-locker (and if so, what version)? Do you have upower 
> installed (and if so, what version)? What is xfce4 configured to do on a lid 
> close (xfconf-query --verbose --list -c xfce4-power-manager)?

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