Control: severity -1 important

On 2021-07-04 22:29:30 +0100, Ken Milmore wrote:
> The -addversionno option of unison attempts to invoke the same
> version of unison on the server as on the client, to prevent version
> mismatches.

It mainly allows one to select the expected version on the server
when several versions are installed (because of various kinds of
machines to synchronize).

> A workaround is to install the symlink manually, e.g.:
> $sudo ln -s ../../bin/unison-2.51+4.11.1 /usr/local/bin/unison-2.51

This currently works, but will fail if the OCaml version is upgraded,
so that one has unison-2.51+X and unison-2.51+Y on the server,
with some clients having unison-2.51+X and other clients having
unison-2.51+Y. In short, this defeats the purpose of having the
OCaml version added to the version number for compatibility.

> Suggested possible bug fixes:
> 1) Install an additional /usr/bin/unison-2.51 symbolic link in the package, or

This solution is incorrect.

> 2) Modify the unison source to invoke "unison-2.51+4.11.1" instead
> of "unison-2.51" when the -addversionno option is supplied

This is the only correct way (the client needs to announce in some way
the OCaml version).

> (however this might break compatibility with other systems).

Such systems implicitly assume some fixed OCaml version. So there is
already no guarantee that they won't break anything.

Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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