tags 992377 fixed-upstream

Upstream maintainer here. The keyutils pages in Section 2
are an unusual case. The wrapper functions are provided in
the libkeyutils library (instead of, as is conventional, 
the C library), as noted in the add_key(2) page.
The package that provides that library also provides
the <keyutils.h> header file. The manual page implies
that, but doesn't make it completely clear. I've added 
a sentence to the manual page to make this more explicit:

       Glibc does not provide a wrapper for this system call.  A  wrapper
       is provided in the libkeyutils library.  **(The accompanying package
       provides the <keyutils.h> header file.)**  When employing the  wrap‐
       per in that library, link with -lkeyutils.

Of course, the name of the relevant package depends on the distro.
For Debian, I believe it is "libkeyutils-dev". (I run Fedora,
where the package is the somewhat unconventionally named



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